Please join us for Cityworks Converge, a new take on a Cityworks user group meeting, hosted by the South Central User Group. In light of current events, we've migrated our user group meeting to a virtual format. Thankfully, this also allows us to expand our audience beyond just the South Central region. If you're able to join us, we welcome you to do so!

As a part of the Cityworks community, you're never alone. Learning from the efforts of others is one of the best ways to achieve your own success. That's why our purpose is to provide a stage where users can converge to show the community the fruits of their labor, exchange knowledge, and maybe even provide the spark someone else was seeking.


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Cityworks Converge
Virtual Regional Summit 
 Thursday, June 25, 2020

9:30 am- 12:30 pm, CT



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Cityworks Converge 
Virtual Summit Agenda

Welcome and Agenda Review
Bradley Chatman, Cityworks 
State of the City: City of Long View, Texas
 Justin Cure, Longview, TX
Say WATT- Cityworks for the Electric Utility
 Emily Brazeal, City of Independence-Power & Light 
Taking Cityworks to the Next Level
Nathan Smith, Steve Byrd and Jillian Arthur, Round Rock, TX

A Catalyst for Change and Asset Management
Jeff Given,  College Station, TX
What to Expect When Implementing
 Laura Carr, NewEdge Services
Barcode Reader Functionality for Respond
 Mitch Ottesen, Cityworks 
Cityworks Product Roadmap
Brent Wilson, Cityworks